How to Boost Your Small Business with a Custom ChatGPT?

How to Boost Your Small Business with a Custom ChatGPT?

Written by Alison Lurie, In How To, Updated On
April 10th, 2024

If you check any marketing forum or group, you’ll notice that the only topic experts discuss is how generative artificial intelligence can boost their business. While relatively new, this technology has shown enormous promise, and we’ll need some time to realize its full potential.

However, getting the most out of this tool is no simple task. While robots are great on their own, they still need proper management to provide excellent results. In other words, they need a veteran marketer who can understand their features and their limitations.

In this article, we’ll talk about five different methods for implementing ChatGPT into your small business workflow.

How does the software work?

Although many people say that ChatGPT is an AI technology, this isn’t wholly true. Yes, it is categorized as a generative artificial intelligence platform, but it can’t think for itself. Instead, it utilizes vast web resources to create content, retrieve answers to questions, and perform other functions.

After accessing this information from blog posts, white papers, case studies, and other formats, ChatGPT transforms it into text. Keep in mind that the new post will always be different from the original one, ensuring that you can pass Google’s plagiarism checks. By utilizing natural language processing, the software can ensure every copy is unique yet relevant to your business.

How do companies use ChatGPT?


ChatGPT became popular not only because of its content generation potential but also because the public appreciated the software as a highly flexible tool.

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Among others, you can use ChatGPT to:

  • Generate various types of marketing copies
  • Create content ideas and research multiple topics
  • Research leads and customize copies for a particular audience
  • Change the tone and language of copies
  • Make multiple product and service recommendations
  • Simplify otherwise complex subjects
  • Analyze the grammar and other aspects of the copy
  • Translate texts into multiple languages

While you shouldn’t automate everything with ChatGPT, the tool can still simplify your daily marketing operations. The software is incredibly potent for small brands as it allows companies to save resources for other tasks. Furthermore, the tool works well for international writers who are struggling to turn their thoughts into words.

5 Methods for Using ChatGPT


Whether you’re a small or big business, this technology can easily benefit you. Most people use ChatGPT to create blog posts from scratch, but it can also be great for modifying and revamping various content formats.

Generate marketing copies

Whether you need articles, social media posts, emails, product descriptions, ad copies, or something else, this software has got you covered. The program can create incredible posts from thin air with minimal external involvement. However, if you decide to have a proactive role, you can further boost their quality so they resemble those of human writers.

Here are a few things you can achieve with this technology:

  • Create marketing posts from scratch
  • Modify existing posts through rewriting, changing tone, or style
  • Improve various SEO aspects by adding relevant keywords and performing other kinds of optimization processes

Whether you use ChatGPT in its original form, via the official site, or as integrated software, you can achieve incredible results. This technology is even better when used in conjunction with other software, as it provides even more comprehensive functionality.

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Ideate and research content

How to use ChatGPT

Not only is ChatGPT fantastic for creating posts, but it can also provide valuable content ideas. It is especially potent when creating long-format pieces such as eBooks, white papers, and blog posts.

Using ChatGPT for idea generation is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is ask the tool about a specific subject, and it will curate the best web articles on that topic. Keep in mind that this isn’t a perfect system, but it can definitely increase your knowledge.

Create surveys and queries.

Among others, ChatGPT is perfect for audience targeting, segmenting, and other forms of research. You can use the software to create surveys and questionnaires that you can share with a social media audience or your email list.

These surveys are especially great at the start of a marketing campaign, but you can also use them when tweaking methodology. Always remember that the generated questions are based on online resources, that is, similar to questionnaires other companies use. In other words, you can rest assured they’re well-suited for your audience.

Find shortcuts

Use Of ChatGPT on iPhone

ChatGPT can also serve as a resource for using other tools. For example, you can utilize the platform to extrapolate various insights about different software. It can provide data about its features, functionalities, pros, and cons.

ChatGPT can provide various shortcuts and formulas. You can use it to become faster with other programs, utilize mathematical functions, and simplify your overall marketing workflow. The best thing yet is that ChatGTP adapts to the newest information, making sure that the data is as relevant as possible.

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Use the chatbot function.

ChatGPT originally started as a chatbot platform that people used to mess around with various queries. Due to its enormous content generation potential, this functionality was quickly set aside. Nevertheless, you can still benefit from it.

Small companies can feed the software with various customer-related prompts. Then, they can introduce ChatGPT to their daily operations, ensuring their clients get the best possible assistance.


The best thing about ChatGPT is that we’re only starting to learn about its full potential. At this point, the software looks like something that any company can benefit from, regardless of its size. Even if you don’t utilize it for daily marketing processes, you can still use it for communication and business research.

While very potent, there are a few causes for concern with this program. We still don’t know how ChatGPT can affect your long-term brand awareness and search engine optimization. Because of that, it’s recommended that you use it in moderation, combined with traditional human copywriting.

If you wish to learn more about custom ChatGPT development for your brand, click here.

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