10 Features You Must Have In An App Like Instagram

10 Features You Must Have In An App Like Instagram

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In software, Updated On
April 9th, 2024

Individuals are looking for applications that can help them communicate with the world. Several applications fulfil this purpose if you want to create one for your audience. You have to add something that can differentiate you from all the existing social media applications. As Instagram did while designing the application, they make the app unique by communicating through photos and videos. The world is rushing with practical marketing tools and strategies. Now, the applications must have the power to attract the audience and have entertaining elements to connect with the audience. 

If you want to know how to create an app like Instagram, you must first know which features you will incorporate to attract the audience. Whether you are a technical person or a non-technical person, you must know some basics for the applications like

  • Languages
  • Frameworks & Libraries
  • Interfaces
  • Operating Systems

10 Features You Must Have In An App Like Instagram

How to get instagram followers

You should have the following features to make an app similar to Instagram. 


The application starts with logging in or registering the account. To start an application, you must create an account, which will ask for your email account, name, password, and phone number. If you have a social media account, it will allow you to connect through the social account. You must add options like resetting the email and phone numbers or using a social media account. It will help you save the user’s data in the database and benefit users by allowing them to manage their information and log in through a particular source. 

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Profile Editing

Profile editing allows you to add correct information so that the audience and visitors can see your profile and request that you follow it. Once you have created your account, you can edit your profile. It will assist you in uploading your biography and display picture, as well as basic information like your name, gender, birth date, and website. All these are the elements of coding an application like Instagram. Make sure you have planned the coding before implying it. 

Uploading Photos & Videos

One of the primary reasons for designing an application like this is to upload pictures and videos for the audience. It is a new way of communicating with the audience via photos and videos—an entertaining way to engage them, except for the posts and extended content. You should also include a preview, editing display, upload, a gallery for other picture options, commenting, sharing, liking, and tagging on the photo. Mobile app developers utilize valuable tools to implement photos and videos on Android and iOS. 

Photo Editing Tools

You may know that Instagram is known for filters, just like Snapchat. However, here, you should add unique filters for the audience as they love to swipe filters and play with a new, changing look. Therefore, you must add this feature to your application to have an audience attraction. With filters, you must include rotation, zooming, saturation, and all those filtration and editing tools for the picture. Mobile developers can advise you better to use existing filters with alteration or create your new filter for the app. Sometimes, people like to have their customized filters codified from scratch. 

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Link Instagram posts with other Social networks


The best application is an app that connects you with your friends and audience without limiting your connection to one social media platform; establishing a connection between your app account ID and the social media account ID will help you connect with social media networks. As per the research, individuals post 1 billion posts daily; through application posts, you will also gain revenues from other social media sites. 

Geolocation- tagging

You require a Geolocation tagging feature to expand your new application’s functionality. This will enhance the entertainment for the people to whom you have taken such photos or videos. It will assist you in tagging the location not only on the application but also on the Google Maps or other Maps you use. 


You cannot design an application without a search feature. The search feature will assist you in looking for items, people, places, and hashtags. It will encourage users to observe the information using a search engine. 

Messages and Commenting

Photos and videos are not enough to communicate with people. Therefore, people can communicate with friends and family through messages. When you are making an app, you should add a messaging feature so that users can communicate easily with each other. With this, you must allow the users to comment and share the photos or pages they liked. Wheaddsut add push notifications for the message alerts and comments. 

when incorporating message customization for setting

You can add customization settings in the app to allow users to personalize their newsfeed view, the background of app’s background and the language’s interface will allow the turn on/off of push notifications, account privacy, and story feeds.

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It is one of the advanced features of the social media application, which allows users to capture pics and post them in the story for 24 hours. They are said to be the moments of the day. If you want this feature on your application, you will have to provide the option to the users whether to save it or not; if they do not save the story, it will disappear within 24 hours. You can have various options for the story, like photos, videos, text, slideshows, music videos, or nametags. This is one of the prominent entertaining elements for users. Here, you can also provide filters and push notifications to the users. 


Every application needs modification and improvisation over time. When developing an application, you must follow trends and new developments. This will enhance your audience’s reliability and keep them engaged. 

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