Protect New Zealand, Protect The Planet

Protect New Zealand, Protect The Planet

Written by Ramsay, In Automotive, Published On
April 26, 2023

Mearth New Zealand, the newest branch of Mearth Australia, the Pioneer in Australian Electric Scooters, is leading towards environmental awareness through its electric scooter ride revolution in the Land of the Long White Cloud. Just like the known name of the country, we want to keep the clouds white in New Zealand, hence the continuous promotion of sustainability that reduces carbon emissions.

One of the most significant measures taken by the government of New Zealand is the Zero Carbon Act. The Zero Carbon Act is a framework that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2050. The act sets out targets for reducing carbon emissions, establishes an independent Climate Change Commission, and promotes sustainable development.

Another significant measure taken by the government of New Zealand is the ban on single-use plastic bags. In 2019, the government banned single-use plastic bags to reduce plastic waste and promote sustainability. The ban has been highly effective, and New Zealand has seen a significant reduction in plastic bag waste.

New Zealand’s commitment to environmental protection is evident in its initiatives, and this country serves as a role model for other countries in promoting sustainability and protecting the planet.

It is very timely that Mearth Electric Scooter’s arrival in New Zealand was just a few months before Earth Day which is celebrated annually on April 22. This way, Mearth New Zealand’s presence, being an eco-friendly ride, continued to spread awareness throughout. Without a doubt, this is the best ride option for Kiwi’s who are aware of the environmental issues, and the pollution bigger vehicles emit and decide to be the difference and promote actions that can be taken to protect the planet.

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Earth Day is a global event that began in 1970 and is celebrated in more than 190 countries around the world. The day is dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues such as climate change, pollution, and deforestation. Earth Day also serves as a reminder to individuals and organizations to take action towards protecting the planet.

In New Zealand, Earth Day is celebrated with various events and initiatives that focus on sustainability and environmental protection.


Skip the carbon-emission vehicles

  • Skip the carbon-emission vehicles – Ride an electric scooter

Electric scooters are beneficial for individuals and eco-friendly because they emit almost zero emissions, making them a cleaner transportation option compared to traditional gas-powered vehicles. They are also efficient and cost-effective, allowing people to travel short distances quickly without contributing to air pollution. Additionally, electric scooters reduce traffic congestion, noise pollution, and the need for parking space, making them an ideal solution for urban areas.

  • Join a beach clean-up campaign

Plastic pollution is a major environmental issue that is affecting marine life and ecosystems. By being part of the beach clean-up campaign, you can share the awareness about the dangers of plastic pollution and inspire individuals to take action towards reducing it.

  • Join a tree-planting campaign.

Trees play a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change. They breathe life to us, as they breathe fresh air. Tree-planting plays a huge importance on growing trees in continuing and maintaining a healthy environment.

  • Go for zero waste as much as possible

While it may be difficult and the thought of it seems nearly impossible, it’s all about intentionality.  just be intentional to avoid using single-use products so we can lessen the trash in the world. Go for refillables, and everything natural.

  • Attend workshops and seminars to educate yourself more (and invite people too) about sustainable living

Workshops may cover topics such as waste reduction, energy conservation, and sustainable agriculture. By learning about sustainable living, we aim to inspire ourselves and individuals around us to adopt eco-friendly habits and reduce their carbon footprint.

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New Zealand has always been at the forefront of environmental protection. The country is known for its beautiful landscapes, pristine beaches, and rich biodiversity. However, New Zealand is not immune to environmental issues such as climate change, pollution, and deforestation. The government of New Zealand has taken several measures to address these issues and promote sustainable development but you have to be a part of it to make a difference.

While Earth Day celebrates its birthday once a year, the Earth should be nurtured, protected and cared for every single day. Earth Day is an important event, a reminder, that we need to serve — as individuals or in an organization — because only when we serve, we know how to lead.

The homegrown Mearth Australia brand always stayed true to its values of nurturing a greener world, through promoting sustainability and environmental protection – this was always the goal – with the rider’s convenience and safety in mind as well. And now that Mearth has landed in New Zealand, it plans to continue its legacy of sustainable living through sustainable riding.


If it’s the best e-scooter you need, you’ve come to the right place. Customers can also count on Mearth New Zealand for the best customer service and after-sales support.

Another discount customers can look forward to is FREE SHIPPING New Zealand-wide, but for electric scooters only, it is not applicable to accessories and parts unless purchased together. Shipping delivery times depend on the location. It takes 1-2 business days to reach the South Island main center and 3-4 business days for the North Island. Please expect delays that may occur depending on surrounding circumstances. Customers may also opt for Express Shipping with a minimal fee of $150 NZD depending on the delivery location.

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Visit the official Mearth Australian Electric Scooters website and follow them on social media to remain informed about promotions and discounts for Mearth New Zealand.

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