How Do I Choose the Best Real Estate Agent in My Local Area?

How Do I Choose the Best Real Estate Agent in My Local Area?

Written by Ramsay, In Real Estate, Updated On
April 26th, 2024

The National Association of Realtors shared that 68% of sellers found an agent through a referral in 2024 alone.

When was the last time you were swayed into purchasing decisions based on a referral from someone you trust?

Word-of-mouth is one of the most vital marketing techniques across any industry, and real estate is no different. However, working with real estate agents looks different across homebuyers. We’re here to share the extra steps you can take, outside of referrals, to find the best real estate agent for you.

How Do I Choose the Best Real Estate Agent in My Local Area?

Read on for our simple steps to help you on your home-being journey.

  • Hear Buyer and Seller ExperiencesTwo parts of the housing market are essential to review when finding the best real estate agent: the buying and selling sides.

If you’re looking to sell, you could easily find homeowners who recently sold their houses and ask about their experiences. But it is just as important to hear from those who purchased the home.

The buyer and seller experiences can differ even when led by the same agent. You should actively seek out homeowners from both sides to discuss their experiences and get an honest, holistic review.

  • Keep an Eye Out for Professionalism

A website and social account give a vital glimpse into the professionalism and communication of an agent or broker. Crafting a great website calls upon many skills the agent needs to sell your home, such as:

  • Staging and photographing to highlight the best features
  • Sharing details with potential buyers clearly
  • Adding personality and ease into the buying/selling process

A messy website with no contact details or office address should be a red flag in your review. You deserve an agent who goes above and beyond, online and in-person, and how they treat their website indicates their online prowess.

It’s a bonus if the brokerage team is photographed and identifiable, such as how The Talons Group website showcases.

  • Don’t Shy Away from Drop-In Consultations

You need a real estate agent who responds to the rapidly changing housing market, and that means being able to respond to your needs as soon as possible. One way to measure responsiveness is dog drop-in consults with a potential agent.

Do they schedule an immediate virtual call with you after receiving an email? Does it take them over 24 hours to respond to an inquiry? Is someone available at the office to get quick answers if you stop in? Regarding your outreach, keep your eyes on professionalism and response time. You don’t want to work with an agent who lets a potential buyer walk away because of delayed communication.

  • Hire the Best Real Estate Agent

You are a unique homeowner with different needs from family, friends, and those you trust in the community. Finding the best real estate agent for you means prioritizing what’s most essential and ensuring the agent and broker align.

Use the tips above to connect with agents, and check out our blog posts to see how technology will transform your homeownership.

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