The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing[Complete Guide]

The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing[Complete Guide]

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Artificial Intelligence, Marketing, Updated On
April 5th, 2024

Artificial Intelligence can help digital marketers collect data, analyze it, apply it, and then learn from it; AI can transform digital strategies. As it advances, so will the power to use it to enhance digital marketing strategies and supply valuable customer insights for companies.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be a wide-ranging branch of computing concerned with building intelligent machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human Intelligence.

According to Venture Capitalist Frank Chen,

Artificial Intelligence is a set of algorithms and Intelligence to mimic human Intelligence. Machine learning is one of them, and deep learning is one of those machine learning techniques.

Deep learning is a type of machine learning that runs inputs through a biologically inspired neural network architecture. The neural networks contain a variety of hidden layers through which the information is processed, allowing the machine to travel “deep” in its learning, making connections and weighting input for the best results.

Some AI-related activities, such as robotics, speech recognition, image recognition, tongue processing, and problem-solving, are highly technical and specialized.

History of Artificial Learning

While the roots are long and deep, the history of AI, as we expect it today, spans but a century. The following may be a quick check of several of the foremost essential events in AI.

  • In 1943, Warren McCullough and Walter Pitts published “A Logical Calculus of Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity.” The paper proposed the first mathematical model for building a neural network.
  • In his book, The Organization of Behaviour: Neuropsychological Theory, Donald Hebb proposes that neural pathways are created from experiences in which connections between neurons become more vital more frequently. Hebbian learning continues to be a crucial model in AI.
  • In 1952, Arthur Samuel developed a self-learning program to play checkers.
  • 1956, the phrase AI was coined at the “Dartmouth Summer Scientific Research on AI .” Led by John McCarthy, the conference defined the scope and goals of AI and is widely considered the birth of AI as we know it today.
  • In 1958, John McCarthy developed the AI programming language Lisp and published the paper “Programs with Common Sense.”
  • In 1963, John McCarthy started the AI Lab at Stanford.
  • In 1991, U.S. forces deployed DART, an automated logistics planning and scheduling tool, during the Gulf War.
  • In 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue beat world chess champion Gary Kasparov
  • In 2005, STANLEY, a self-driving car, won the DARPA Grand Challenge.
  • In 2008, Google made breakthroughs in speech recognition and introduced the feature in its iPhone app.
  • In 2011, IBM’s Watson trounced the competition on Jeopardy!.
  • In 2012, Andrew Ng, founder of the Google Brain Deep Learning project, fed a neural network using deep learning algorithms 10 million YouTube videos as a training set. The neural network learned to recognize a cat without being told what a cat is, ushering in a breakthrough era for neural networks and deep learning funding.
  • In 2012, Google made the first self-driving car to pass a state driving test.
  • In 2016, Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo defeated a world-champion Go player, Lee Sedol. The complexity of the traditional Chinese game was seen as a severe hurdle to clear in AI.
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The relationship between AI and digital marketing

relationship between ai and digital marketing

AI, as a part of digital marketing, is now a reality, offering a variety of advantages and options.

Even if you’ve never heard of AI or machine learning, you employ it dozens, if not hundreds, of times daily.

It’s the technology that powers Google Maps, Amazon recommendations, Netflix recommendations, and countless other consumer technologies.

Thanks to AI, brands can more easily identify which customer segments should be added or removed from campaigns. Brands should show their customers precisely the products they’re likely to use and avoid promoting specific products to customers who frequently return items.

Like Google Maps, AI in marketing is used to get from point A to point B more efficiently. Although marketing AI is in its infancy, the technology is already making marketing more productive, personalized, and performance-driven.

How is AI transforming digital marketing?

AI is revolutionizing digital marketing with the power to gather, analyze, apply, and react to data. As the amount of data on potential consumers grows, AI will become more important thanks to its ability to form data-based decisions quickly and accurately. Here are some ways AI is changing digital marketing:

1. Recognize and analyze

When CRM, AI, and extensive data technology are combined, they will maximize the gathering of user information from different platforms, gain accurate insights into target customers, and identify users’ needs so that companies can determine the most appropriate marketing strategy.

The key is that any behavioural information, such as the sorts of products someone buys, which pages they browse, which tools they often use, etc, will become the source of AI analysis.

With all this collected data, marketers can quickly analyze a potential customer’s needs and adapt the AI to boost sales.

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2. When AI combines with AR/VR

When AI technology meets the new visual technologies like AR and VR, it brings a replacement consumption experience.

For example, Coca-Cola combined AI and Augmented reality (AR) by overlaying computer graphics over a user’s real-world view using glasses or a headset within several of its bottling plants. This allows technicians to receive information about the equipment being serviced and enables them to support technicians who are ready to see their view. It also makes it easier for technicians in remote locations to perform repairs and diagnose issues.

AI digital marketing in business

1. Application of AI chatbots

  • The development of AI semantic recognition, language processing, and voice conversion technology has made AI customer service more straightforward to use and deliver a far better experience. Compared with manual customer service, AI chatbots have many advantages.

2. Email Marketing

  • AI helps brands personalize email marketing campaigns that support user behaviour. Marketers can send emails triggered by specific actions, enabling them to deliver relevant emails to customers’ inboxes. Subject lines, product recommendations, and messaging are all chosen to support a customer’s behaviour.
  • Ultimately, AI can help email marketers reach the proper customers at the appropriate time, ensuring that messaging is relevant, engaging, and more likely to convert. It also can allow you to analyze what sorts of messaging, subject lines, designs, and pictures get the most straightforward results.

3. AI Digital Advertising

There’s little question that digital advertising is one of the most prosperous areas to adopt AI. It is used across platforms like Facebook, Google, and Instagram to provide the best possible experience. These platforms analyze users’ information, including gender, age, interests, demographics, and other aspects, to identify the most relevant advertisements, improving the performance of digital ads.

4. Content Marketing

  • Because of AI, you’ll discover what content is best and consistent with the behaviour of targeted customers, allowing you to utilize content marketing that gets results. Marketers can better understand what sorts of content work best for their audience, allowing them to share or create the proper kind of content.
  • Instead of creating expensive videos and other content, AI-powered tools can assist you in creating them. For example, tools like FlexClip video maker allow you to make and download high-quality videos without requiring a designer or technical skills.

How Can You Learn AI Digital Marketing

Whether you’re just starting to learn the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence or have already mastered a couple of skills, you’ll never become too educated about AI. Here are a few AI Training courses and certificates to help you become more skilled in AI and take your understanding to the next level.

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● Google AI

Google AI aims to share AI research and knowledge, and its education courses are designed to help people develop fundamental skills. Its Learn with Google AI resource is sweet for those just learning to code or who are already well-advanced in machine learning. Google AI provides tools and open-source platforms like TensorFlow, a machine-learning library.

● Coursera

This is one of the most subscribed courses on Coursera. Andrew NG, a Stanford University professor and former head of Baidu AI Group/Google Brain, created it. It covers a wide range of fundamental machine-learning processes and practices.

● Microsoft Professional Program in Artificial Intelligence

Microsoft’s Introduction to AI course summarises AI, explaining how machine learning inspires AI and how to leverage cognitive services to create intelligent apps. You will learn to make machine learning models with Azure Machine Learning, use Python and Microsoft cognitive services to analyze text, speech, images, and video, and implement conversational bots using the Microsoft Bot Framework.

● Deep Learning Specialization with NVIDIA

Deep learning is a highly sought-after skill and a subset of machine learning in the scope of AI. It is concerned with algorithms like the brain in structure and performance, teaching computers to find out by example.

This deep learning specialization course by and The NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) was developed to teach the foundations of deep learning.

● Udemy

This game-changing course, offered in 2021, will cover AI tools in content creation, curation, augmented reality, and digital marketing.

The Future of AI In Digital Marketing

According to DigiTMG, the digital advertising industry will reach Rs. 50,000 crore by 2025 and touch Rs. 58,500 crore in five years. AI can create simulation models and customize the buying process with suggestions from interactions with virtual assistants and other machine learning technologies.

Many brands today use AI to connect with customers and recommend products that support their previous purchases, views, and searches. With Marketing Automation changing the digital forefront, it’s projected that 43% of economic earnings in 2030 will come from the commercial application of AI solutions, facilitating more personalized, effective, and smooth customer handling.


Whether marketers believe it or stay sceptical, the future of AI in digital marketing is brighter than ever. AI and ML combined will help digital marketers drive quickly towards intelligent marketing.

We are looking at a digital marketing world where marketers monitor the activities executed by AI digital marketing tools and generate better and more creative ideas to serve their customers.

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