What Is The Purpose of a Website

What Is The Purpose of a Website

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Technology, Updated On
March 10th, 2023

In this digital world, the term ‘website’ is not obscure. From a teenage kid to a well-experienced entrepreneur, everyone knows what the website is. There are countless websites on the internet that are operating on different purposes. Where some websites are built to sell a product or services, some sites focus more on providing useful information, whereas, others are just for entertainment purposes. Now, it is also important to understand this purpose majorly depends on a website’s type. Talking about that, there are different websites available on the internet ranging from corporate to business to informational to e-commerce to entertainment to personal. There are many types of websites, literally. So, in this post, we will take in detail about the purpose of a website considering its type. 

What Is The Purpose of a Website?

In simple words, every website has a purpose which is to attract visitors and turn them into prospects. The process to do that includes identifying the user types that are majorly visiting your website. Now, once you are aware of the type of audience that you need to target, it is important to build your website in a way that it not only speaks to their needs but also guides them to take the next action. Let’s have a look at different website categories and their purpose to understand the concept of website purpose in a better way. 

Types Of Websites

Informational Website

Just to let you know, an informational website is known as the web portal designed by a professional website design and development company that is known to organize multi-level integration of different services and solutions. An informational website is known to contain a huge amount of data to fill users with some information. 

Talking about the purpose, informational websites are basically built to help visitors to find the information they are looking for. An informational website is often considered as a users’ guide to learn about something or to gain information. 

Landing Page Website

A landing page website is basically a webpage that is built to encourage visitors to perform something such as subscribing to a newsletter or to download a presentation or request a quote. 

The main purpose of landing page websites is to make visitors click on a targeted ad and lead them to a particular page. The ultimate goal of the landing page is to convert your website visitors to potential customers. 

Corporate Website

Talking about a corporate website, well, it is the digital representation of a business or company. A corporate website includes comprehensive information about the company, its services, vision, and more. Such type of website allows you to sell products and services online, send the news to visitors, conduct promotions & marketing research, get visitors feedback, and more. 

There are various purposes of a corporate website. It not only helps you find new partners and customers but also establishes a corporate identity. Along with that, a corporate website is also used to build effective communication with partners, as well as customers. A corporate website also helps you find new employees for your business. 

Personal Website

It’s obvious, a personal website built for an individual to promote its business or the talent. In many cases, portfolio websites, personal blogs, and brochure websites are also considered as personal websites. Generally, such websites are created by a person for self-promotion. 

The purpose of a personal website is to promote a specific person and let people know about him. The aim of such websites is not just to promote a person, but also to find new customers, partners, sponsors, or employees. Unlike a corporate website, a personal website is quite inexpensive. 

E-commerce Website

As the name itself says, an e-commerce website allows a business to remotely sell products to its customers. It works in a simple way – the website includes a product catalog with their descriptions to help customers identify how a product looks through its images and what sort of things it includes or materials used to build it through the product description. 

The purpose of an e-commerce website is to increase the number of customers. It also focuses on increasing brand loyalty and profit. Above all that, an e-commerce website also aims to rank higher in the competition. 

Educational Website

Educational websites have lately come into the limelight. Now, modern educational institutions have started to embrace the advantage of having an educational website. It is pretty evident that an educational website is built for students to provide them information about courses, exams, tutors, and more. 

Talking about the purpose, well, one of the main objectives of any educational website is to provide access to existing educational products. The website also aims to contribute to the promotion of the educational process of an organization. Not just this, an educational website also aims to provide methodical and educational support to students. 

So, this is all about the concept of website purpose. We really hope that on the basis aforementioned categories, you will be able to know what’s going to be the purpose of the website that you are looking to create with the help of professional experts. But do you know having ADA wcag compliance is also necessary as the website should be accessible for every user? In this way, you get more site visitors and traffic. Here, a specialist like “XCompliant” can help with web ADA compliance, alongside your social media promotion stuff.

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