Hire Remote Developers: The IT Trend of 2024

Hire Remote Developers: The IT Trend of 2024

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Business, Updated On
May 3rd, 2024

“Modern technology has become a total phenomenon for civilization, the defining force of a new social order in which efficiency is no longer an option but a necessity imposed on all human activity.” – Jacques Ellul

This 20th-century quote by the French philosopher Jacques Ellul holds even today. We live in an era where technology is an integral part of our lives. We use technology everywhere–from booking tickets to watching movies, promoting our business, and finding jobs.

These days, every company is trying to create cutting-edge technology offerings that can make the lives of end users more accessible. Talented developers fulfill these companies’ aspirations, so companies across the world are hiring developers.

Interestingly, technology has also significantly changed the way these companies operate. Advancements in teleconferencing and telework, coupled with the ripple effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, have led to an increasing number of firms going remote.

Adopting remote work can help a company save significant costs, especially on the hiring front. If you’re wondering how this post is for you, read more about the remote work culture. We’ve also shared some handy tips to help if you consider going remote.

Why is remote work trending?

hire remote developers

Remote work has changed the way we work. Most importantly, it has helped bring in the much sought-after work-life balance.

Here are some interesting insights shared by FindStack about remote-working employees:

  • 77% of employees working from home experienced a surge in their productivity. Approximately 74% of them stated that they are less likely to resign if they have an option of remote working.
  • The average salary of a remote working employee is higher by approximately $4000.

Additionally, employees save a lot of money commuting daily to the office. The remote work option has opened doors to overseas opportunities for professionals, which was impossible earlier.

Why should you look at hiring remote developers?

There is a consensus that remote work culture emerged post-COVID-19. However, you may be surprised to learn that it has existed since the 1970s, when it was known as telecommuting.

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That said, more and more people are adopting the remote work culture, especially after the COVID-19-induced lockdown. As per statistics shared by FindStack,

  • Around 16% of the organizations have gone fully remote.
  • Additionally, the number of people working from home has spiked by 159% since 2009.

There are multiple reasons behind this. Some of them are:

  • Going remote has helped companies cut down their infrastructure costs significantly.
  • Due to better work-life balance, employees working in a remote setup avail fewer leaves.
  • The option of flexible working hours has led to an increase in employee productivity.
  • For companies, especially those in the IT sector, going remote means tapping into a global and diverse talent pool.

Additionally, working remotely can have a positive impact on the environment, as resources like paper, electricity, etc. are used in moderation. Besides, it keeps pollution levels in check, as fewer people commute to the office.

Considering these benefits, it can be said that hiring remote developers for your technology solutions would be a great idea. Let’s look at how you can set up a remote-first software development company.

How to set up a remote developer firm?

hire remote developers

  • Onboard a recruitment and management team

To begin with, you’ll need a recruitment team that can hire talented and culturally fit remote developers. Once the recruiting team is in place, you can start by filling out the managerial profiles, as they will help hire developers that will suit your project requirements.

  • Streamline your projects

Before bringing in remote developers, it’s vital to streamline your projects. Prepare a list of projects you have in hand with their respective deadlines.

This will help determine how many developers you need to finish these projects.

  • Create a blueprint for the development process

There are 5 basic phases in every IT project, viz;

  • Initiation
  • Definition
  • Execution
  • Performance evaluation
  • Conclusion

Here’s a bifurcation of each stage for better understanding:

Hence, having a blueprint of the development process would give you a head-start and mitigate any contingencies. It’ll also help the remote development team to plan their tasks better.

  • Hire the right developers.

Once you’re done creating a blueprint, onboard the developers who have the technical skills and are culturally fit. There are several talent sourcing platforms in the market that can help you find the right developers who are vetted on both soft skills and technical skills.

  • How can your organization adapt to remote work?

Adapting to a remote work culture is quite simple. A few tweaks to your existing processes can help you adopt the remote work culture seamlessly.

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Here are some handy tips to aid you in managing remote operations.

  • Invest in a team management platform

Start by investing in team management platforms like ClickUp, Asana, Zoho, etc. These platforms are useful for tracking a project’s progress and giving you real-time visibility of your team’s bandwidth.

You can directly assign tasks and deadlines to respective team members on the team management platforms. You also get an option to create to-do lists and task boards and can add task updates. Plus, you can add task updates and make different ones.

  • Introduce flexible work timings.

Offering flexible work timings is crucial for building a remote-first software developer firm. It allows employees to manage their tasks better without worrying about their chores. However, you must identify a common working-hour window so the entire team can sync up to discuss updates.

In case you have developers working across different time zones, you must define an overlap time in your time zone when all of them can be available. For instance, a US-based firm working with software developers in India can have an overlap time of 20:00 hours IST to 00:30 hours IST.

  • Create a robust training program.

Onboarding and training new hires is one key parameter to building a successful remote software development company. An onboarding and training program introduces the new hires to the company’s vision, mission, and core values and gives them a sense of belonging.

Now, let’s address the more significant question. How would you roll out a robust onboarding and training program that helps the new hires learn the rules, regulations, and policies that apply to their job responsibilities? An excellent way to do this is to introduce a buddy program.

You can assign fresh recruits to experienced developers who will take them through onboarding and address their queries. Once their onboarding process is completed, they can be assigned individual tasks.

  • Focus on short-term goals.

Sometimes, we prioritize our long-term objectives over our short-term goals. This may jeopardize short-term processes and stretch the product delivery date.

It would be best to create small milestones while creating a blueprint for the development process. This will help you track your team’s progress and mitigate contingencies at regular intervals.

  • Keep realistic deadlines

Keep realistic deadlines. Employees often leave the organization owing to unrealistic targets and deadlines.

Often, project managers expect developers to work around the clock in a remote work setup. This might prove counterproductive for the developers, as they might burn out and leave your company. Hence, set deadlines considering the task’s complexity and the developer’s experience. Also, encourage developers to take frequent breaks and care for their physical and mental well-being.

  • Communication is key

Communication is the key to effective team management in a remote work setup. Working remotely comes with its own set of communication challenges, which can be addressed by using communication platforms like Slack, Meet, Microsoft Teams, etc.

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One thing you need to be prepared for is asynchronous communication. Differences in working hours and time zones may lead to delayed responses. However, this must not be treated as negligent behavior. In fact, it is very much a part of remote work.

You can also periodically take your team’s training sessions on working and communicating remotely. This will help set the right expectations for your remote team and you. Training sessions will also help them become well-versed in communicating effectively in a remote work setup.

  • Promote constant learning

Learning new things constantly is the best way to help your employees and your company grow. The best part about working in a remote work setup is that you can offer your team a lot of flexibility and time to learn new skills, which they can utilize to perform better in their tasks.

You can arrange training sessions for your developers to introduce them to the new technologies that can be used in future projects. Do not forget to record these sessions, as they may be helpful when you have new remote developers coming on board.


Remote work is the new normal. More and more companies are adopting this new work model, and employees are eagerly searching for jobs that allow them to work from anywhere, anytime.

The IT industry is among the fastest in adopting this new working mode. Most of the top tech firms are actively seeking to hire remote developers.

In this article, we’ve discussed the many benefits of adopting a remote working environment. Moreover, we’ve also discussed specific pointers that will help you set up your firm with remote developers. Give them a try and see the results for yourself. Till we meet next, stay safe and keep learning.

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