List Of Beautiful Flowers & How To Grow Them In Your Home Garden

List Of Beautiful Flowers & How To Grow Them In Your Home Garden

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In General, Home Decor, Updated On
December 14th, 2021

The one dream that everyone has and wants to fulfill in life, and that is their own home. Everybody sees this dream that one day I will build my own home. You know, when we say home, it’s not just a word, it’s a world. But with the home, we all have seen one more dream and that is our own garden in the home. The Garden should not be big, it can be small but I am sure you also want a garden. So that you can enjoy your evening tea by sitting on the swing which is in the garden. But nowadays, where we all live in flats but still there are many people who have a big place to make a garden. But the question is how to make a garden, which type of flower should plant in the garden. How to take care of those flowery plants. Because we all have a very hectic schedule, so it’s quite difficult to manage. But the garden is a dream which should come true. If you already have a beautiful garden, still you can plant these flowery plants in your garden.

Below List Of  The Flowers That Will Enhance The Beauty Of Your Garden


The first flower that you can grow in your garden is a rose plant. And when the rose will grow in your garden. You can order a red rose bouquet online, and add your homegrown rose to the bouquet. You can give a rose every day to your sweetheart. Rose will add sparkle in the beauty of your garden. When roses blossom in your garden, it will look so beautiful. You can grow so many colors of rose which don’t need lots of care. Like you can grow a red rose, pink rose, white rose, yellow rose, and many more. You just need to trim the branch of the rose plant twice or thrice in a month.


The next and one of the most beautiful flowers is the marigold. This is one of the most useful flowers also. During Holi, Diwali, and so many times, you must have seen a marigold flower garland. This flower is used for the worship of God and decoration too. Marigold doesn’t need lots of space but its flower size is quite big and so pretty. You must have seen this flower in so many gardens. Now, you don’t need to order marigold flowers for worship of God or making garland. In fact, you can send flowers to India from your home garden.


Hibiscus, you must have heard and seen this flower. This flower has so much importance in Indian culture. And let me tell you, hibiscus is good for skin, hair, and your garden. This is also one of those flowers which require less care, but blossom so beautifully. So you should definitely grow this flower in your home garden. It will make your garden look so pretty.

Trumpet creeper

Trumpet creepers of yellow, red, blue and so many different colors will add life to your home garden. These flowers add colors in the garden. These flowers will give your garden a heavenly look when they will bloom. But yes, while buying a trumpet creepers be a little careful. Because there are some trumpet creeper flowers that are toxic. So while buying take care of it.


No doubt, Jasmine fragrance can make anyone crazy. But this will add a fragrance to your garden. So many people avoid jasmine in their garden because of its mesmerizing fragrance. Because of its fragrance sometimes snakes come close to it, that’s why so many people avoid it in their garden. But the beauty and fragrance of this flower will add stars in your garden.


Sunflower again is big in size and beauty. If you want to give your garden look fresh, colorful, beautiful. You can’t keep sunflowers away from your garden. Sunflower is no doubt one of the best flowers for the garden. You can start your morning, with this flower in your vase and in your garden. So definitely plant sunflower plants in your beautiful garden.

These are flowers which will make your garden look super special. When these flowers will be in your garden. You can also order a cake from the online cake and flower delivery in Bangalore service. So just order a delicious cake, and plan a date with your sweetheart in your own beautiful garden. Trust me, these flowers just need one-time water and little trimming. So now go and make your home garden your heaven.

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