Integrate 360 Degree Cylindrical or Spherical Panoramic Images In App

Integrate 360 Degree Cylindrical or Spherical Panoramic Images In App

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Technology, Published On
July 28, 2021


With the SDK, you can integrate three sixty-degree cylindrical or spherical panoramic images into your app and deliver an immersive experience to Android users with an interactive three-D view. You can easily transform twoD images and videos into three-D views on mobile devices by integrating Panorama Kit through the HMS Core Panorama SDK. It supports sizes, and more image formats are more responsive and consume less power than other 3D APIs.

With 3D, you can quickly and easily experience any topic with depth, flexibility, and accuracy. It will facilitate a variety of 3D experiences like themes, street views, and albums. Shopping with Panorama Kit is like walking through a real store, it features 360-degree views. Interactive panorama viewing is supported in Panorama Kit’s simulated three-sixty degree space. With HMS Core Panorama SDK, you can implement Panorama Kit into your Android app to provide users with an immersive experience by easily converting two Dimages and videos into 3D views.

A machine learning appliance and software development kit (SDK), Panorama enables organizations to predict local events quickly and accurately with computer vision (CV) and low latency.

To improve visibility into potential issues, Panorama automates tasks that had previously needed human intervention.

Panorama allows you to monitor safety and security at work regardless of whether there is Internet access – regardless of manufacturing quality, process bottlenecks, or safety and quality issues.


  • Panoramic images of three-sixty degrees, partially three-sixty degrees, and cylindrical images
  • Using JPEG,  PNG, and JPEG files for the panorama display
  • Panorama videos can be viewed interactively
  • Rotate the mobile phone to any angle to adjust the panorama
  • A 360-degree spherical panorama captured by a mainstream panoramic camera can be interactively viewers
  • With in-app panorama display APIs, you can flexibly use panorama services, for example, displaying panoramas in specific locations within your app instead of in an external window

Principles of Operation

Panorama Kit performs a basic image security check following the integration of the Panorama SDK into your application. Panorama Kit does this using the HMS Core (APK) app.

The 2D image is parsed, decoded, and its texture rendered if the security check is successful.

Views may be adjusted by swiping the screen or rotating the phone to adjust the viewing angle. Panorama Kit displays the user’s 2D image in simulated 3D space.

Functional Restrictions

When viewing a 2D image, size, memory usage, CPU usage, and power consumption increase with increasing image size, which is less than 20 MB and less than 16384 x 8192.

development process

Listed below is the code for the Recycler View and Item Click implementation in HomeActivity.kt.

Code for this can be found in DestRecyclerAdapter.kt in which the implementation is held in an adapter class.

In home_main.xml, locate the following code in order to display the UI list in Recycler View.

To hold the list view in the recycler view, find the following code in list_view.xml.


panaroma images

It’s a theme

Lock screen images can be viewed in 360-degrees.

Street Preview

This feature delivers the user directly to the location they are looking for.

Shoppers’ browser

Any product can be made accessible and convenient with e-commerce.


It allows access to album images through an interactive journey.

Tours virtual:

Allows users to view the best sights around the world without ever leaving their own homes.

Support for Panorama

HMS Core (APK) Version or earlier on Huawei phones with EMUI 4.0 or later.

The HMS Core (APK) must be or newer on Android phones that are not Huawei.


Account must belong to Huawei Developers.

It is necessary to have Huawei mobile software version or higher.

You need Android Studio, JDK 1.8, SDK platform 26, and Gradle 4.6 on your laptop or desktop.

Preparations of integration

  • Registration as a Huawei developer is the first step; then you must perform identity verification on the Huawei developer’s website.
  • Make an Android Studio project by following the steps outlined in Creating an Android Studio Project.
  • Calculate the certificate fingerprint using SHA-256.
  • You should click Gradle on the right-upper corner of your Android project, select Apps, Android, and task.
  • AppGallery Connect allows you to create apps.
  • In Android Project, copy and paste the agconnect-services.json file under the app directory
  • You need to remove the tick mark from the certificate fingerprint when you enter it
  • Underbuild script, dependencies, and all projects add the following maven URL in build.gradle(Project) file, see Add Configuration
  • Build.gradle(Module) file should contain the following plugins and dependencies.
  • Now synchronize the gradle file.
  • Add the following permission to AndroidManifest.xml.

Interactive panorama viewing is supported in Panorama Kit’s simulated three-sixty degree space

With HMS Core Panorama SDK, you can implement Panorama Kit into your Android app to provide users with an immersive experience by easily converting two Dimages and videos into 3D views.

To take a panorama, your camera takes multiple photos of objects in your field of vision and stitches them into one photo. Panoramic shots offer a wider viewing angle than ordinary photos, allowing you to get sweeping landscape shots.

Take panoramic photos by using the panorama mode

Choose Camera, More, Panorama and choose the direction to take the photo from the bottom of the screen.

Choose Camera, More, Panorama and choose the direction to take the photo from the bottom of the screen.

Keeping your Phone steady, press and hold the shutter button on the front. Select the direction and move it slowly in that direction, making sure to keep the arrow level with the centerline as you move.

As soon as you are finished taking photos, touch the button. The panorama will be automatically created

Take a look at a scene or person in 3D with the panorama feature

When using the Panorama function, you can choose from three different shooting modes. To take a picture of an object, go to Camera > More > Panorama. Press, hold and follow the directions onscreen to move your device slowly around the object in a single direction. shooting stop by releasing.

To generate a 3D panoramic photo, tap the thumbnail of your camera, then tap above the photo.

The 3D effect will appear after the photo is tilted or dragged.

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