Important tips to get more TikTok likes

Important tips to get more TikTok likes

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Marketing, Updated On
May 28th, 2024

Are you looking to increase your TikTok likes and become a social media star? If so, then you came to the right place. Let’s face it – getting enough likes on TikTok can take time and effort since many content creators are trying to do the same thing. Luckily for you, we have put together some easy tips that will quickly increase the number of likes your videos get on TikTok. With these helpful tips, you will see more ‘likes’ appear next to your posts, and other users may be engaging with and even sharing your content! So, sit back, and grab a snack or two (or three) because these enjoyable strategies should assist any user in boosting up those “like” numbers!

7 tips to get more TikTok likes

TikTok likes

  • Use hashtags

If you want to grow your presence on TikTok, using hashtags is a great way to start. Hashtags are a useful tool for increasing your content’s reach; the more eyes that see it, the more likes, comments, and shares it will receive. Short, targeted hashtags are often better than overly long and generic ones, as they will help quickly define your video and draw attention from those interested in the content. Adding just one hashtag makes all the difference in gaining new followers and getting more tiktok likes. Research trending topics, or look up popular hashtags for ideas!

  • A film with a friend

Making a video with a friend can be an excellent way to get more likes on TikTok. It’s great for creating more engaging content because it allows people to have conversations and collaborate with each other and allows viewers to watch something new that they may not otherwise see. Even if you’re filming solo, adding someone else in the frame can add extra energy and make your videos more entertaining.

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Plus, having another person present will naturally add humor and excitement to your video, like when they make facial expressions or bring unique perspectives into the conversation. Adding friends to your videos can also provide critical practical benefits such as taking turns filming so each of you is in front of the camera instead of behind it or having multiple people help brainstorm creative ideas and film challenges together.

  • Use creative filters

TikTok is all about creativity, so one of the best ways to boost your likes is to experiment with different filters and effects. Choose effects that suit the mood and vibe of your video – sparkles, glows, frames, and more! Why not try layering effects if you want to make your content stand out? This way, you can add multiple interest points to captivate viewers uniquely.

Spend time playing around with these features and get creative with how you use them. You can take things up a notch by syncing sound or adding motion. Suppose you want to be daring and tend to post about serious topics. You can even juxtapose contrasting elements like heavy dark music with cheerful visuals for some comedic effect!

  • Be personal

Want to stand out and ensure your videos get the recognition you believe they deserve? The key is to make sure your videos remain personal and authentic. Don’t be afraid to express yourself! Show off your unique talents, share what you love, or talk about your experiences. After all, those are the things that are going to set you apart from the millions of other TikTokers out there. To get more likes, think of creative titles and descriptions that fit with the content of your video. Always back up what you share in each post with real stories and authentic details. Finally, have fun with it! Creativity is vital when it comes to making sure that every video keeps people coming back for more!

  • Upload exciting and unique content

If you want to get more likes and followers on TikTok, then you need to post interesting and unique content. Take the time to create content that will grab your audience’s attention and make them want to watch for longer or even hit that like button. Your content should be different from what everyone else is doing on the platform — if it isn’t, people will scroll right past yours without another thought.

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Research popular trends, use editing tools and popular music choices, and figure out ways to make your content new and exciting. Spice up the routine topics with creative angles to stand out among other users’ videos. Just uploading actual content won’t do any good because people have seen it all. Get creative! A few ideas include using a unique song that hasn’t been used before, adding graphics or a set design as well as filming in exciting locations that viewers don’t usually see in TikTok’s

  • Share your videos on other social media platforms

This makes a lot of sense because people who are active on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter may be interested in content similar to yours on TikTok – yet they may need to learn you have an account there. That’s why it’s important to cross-promote your content across multiple platforms to reach as many viewers as possible.

You don’t need to bombard your followers with the same video but rather post some sneak peeks or trailers so that they can see what kind of content you produce, and then go check out the full version on TikTok. Another tip is to show off some behind-the-scenes footage from the production of your videos. This will give potential viewers a taste of what could be in store for them if they click “like” and start to follow you – which will likely lead them to even more content!

  • Engage with other users

one of the best tips is to engage with other users with similar interests as you! This can be done by commenting on their videos and liking them – it adds a bit of personalization and encourages reciprocity. You should also ensure your videos show what’s unique about you and the topics you’re passionate about. They’ll be much more memorable to your followers, and they may even discuss it with others, leading to increased engagement.

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Remember that hashtags are also crucial for getting your content seen more frequently; be careful not to overuse them, though – pick ones relevant to your video that millions of people haven’t already used recently. Additionally, be sure to upload frequently; post at least once a day if possible – consistency will help keep viewers coming back for more!


Follow these tips, and you’re sure to get more likes on your TikTok videos in no time. Remember to be creative, experiment with different content, film at the right time of day, and use as many hashtags as possible. And most importantly, have fun! Creating content you enjoy is the best way to get more views and followers. With enough dedication and effort, you’ll be a TikTok superstar in no time.

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