US-9514961195221: Is It a Hoax or Is It Safe?

US-9514961195221: Is It a Hoax or Is It Safe?

Written by Alison Lurie, In Cybersecurity, Published On
April 22, 2023

Have you ever received a tracking number from the United States Postal Service (USPS) only to be taken to a fake website that claims the address you entered is incorrect? Would you like to verify the authenticity of this message? This review will show you why the book’s claims are false.

The Post Office Will Not Deliver Your Package US951496119522: And What Does That Imply?


The “US9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered” text message is part of a sophisticated phishing operation. USPS has notified them that they have a package waiting for them and provided a tracking number and a link so they can monitor its delivery. However, clicking on the link would take the recipient to a phishing website that seems like it’s run by the US Postal Service and asks for personal information.

Scammers are sending “US9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered” text messages to smartphone users in an effort to gain access to their bank accounts or gift card information.

The perpetrators of this scam use the victims’ private information to make unauthorized purchases or impersonate them on other websites.

Please do not reply to the “US9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered” text message or share any personal information if it claims to be from the United States Postal Service. USPS will never ask for personal information via text message. They like to use written communication, such as letters or emails.

Key Considerations

Keep in mind that USPS or any other legitimate package delivery service would never ask you for your personal information or payment by text message or email. Do not respond to a text message or email that claims to be from the United States Postal Service or another package delivery service by providing personal information or clicking on any links in the message. You should instead phone the business to verify if it is legitimate.

  1. If you have any doubts about the veracity of an email or text message, it’s important to double-check with the sender’s organization.
  2. Do not open the attachment or click on any links in the US9514961195221 Your Package Cannot Be Delivered SMS message; instead, delete it.
  3. Please Define The Fraudulent Message (US 9514961195221).

Swindlers have sent out a bogus message with a malicious link. The bogus SMS message will tell you that your package was sent back to the sender due to an incorrect shipping address. However, fraudsters are sending out phony messages.

Who Can Send A Fraud Text With the Number 9514961195221?

The fraudster’s goal in sending this message is to get the target to click on the link so they can steal their sensitive information. However, if you click the link in the text message, you’ll be taken to a phishing website that will steal your sensitive information and possibly even your money. The viruses, spyware, and malware that are commonly found on spoofing links are harmful to devices and can even be used to hack and destroy them.

How to Respond to a Scam Text Message: 9514961195221

You should delete and block the sender of any such message immediately. Don’t even think about opening that link. Eliminate the threat and caution your loved ones to do the same.

  • Format for Scam Text: us9514961195221
  • The fraudulent message (us 9514961195221) always seems to be a legitimate USPS tracking number, like US9514961195221.
  • The United States Postal Service lets you resend packages to the same address.
  • A phishing website is set up to trick unsuspecting users into divulging their personal information, which will then be utilized unethically.

How to Protect Yourself From Text-Based Scams?

Customers can sign up online or by text message to use USPS tracking capabilities, but only after providing a tracking number. Keep in mind that the corporation will only send texts if the customer requests them.

How to Avoid Being a Victim of a US Postal Service-Related Scam?

  • Do not open any attachments or follow any links in any texts.
  • No package deliveries or requests for personal information will be made by USPS by email or text message.
  • Be careful not to reveal any private details.
  • Take your time reading the SMS message.
  • Scam texts and emails can be identified by their poor grammar and spelling.
  • Verifying the most recent version of the security software is essential.

Where Can I Go to Report a Scam to the US Postal Service?

  • Get in touch with by email.
  • Instead of opening the link, please copy and paste the entire message into a new email.
  • Please include your full name and the date and time the communication was sent as attachments to an email.
  • Be sure to specify whether you clicked the link, whether you lost money, whether you submitted any personal information, and whether your credit or identity was affected.
  • Send the message to the Postal Inspection Office and wait for a response.


A harmful link has been embedded in a hoax message that has been widely circulated. The bogus SMS message will tell you that your package was sent back to the sender due to an incorrect shipping address. However, fraudsters are sending out phony messages. Users should not follow the link in this text because it has been sent to many individuals.

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