How to Succeed with Lead Generation

How to Succeed with Lead Generation

Written by Olivia, In Marketing, Published On
May 9, 2023

The only way to grow your business sales is through lead generation, which involves attracting the attention of new potential customers (leads). If you’re struggling to grow your business, take on board our short lead generation guide below.

Lead Generation Strategies

How to Succeed with Lead Generation

Use Quality Tracking Tools

Whenever you launch a lead generation campaign, it’s essential to know whether it’s performing well or not. Therefore, you need to make sure you have access to tools that allow you to assess analytics. For example, if you are using Google Ads, you can track your efforts using Google Analytics. The insights you collect from analytical tools will help you improve your lead-generation strategies.

Quality Beats Quantity

Even though you’re trying to grow your business, you shouldn’t be too concerned about the number of leads you’re attracting. Instead, you should focus on the quality of the lead. If you attract the attention of 10 leads that will convert at 70%, you’ll make much more money than if you had 500 leads converting at 5%.

If you need support tapping into these high-quality leads, consider partnering with B2B lead generation companies — a targeted lead generation business can take care of whatever you need help with, including email campaigns, telemarketing, appointment setting, and so much more.

Avoid Wordy Landing Pages

When people click on a link to your website, they’ll arrive on a landing page, which is designed to offer further information and lead them to other areas of the website. In most cases, people will quickly skim a landing page to find out where to go next. With this in mind, if you cram too many words onto the page, you’ll lose the attention of potential customers.

Regularly Assess Your Competition

To capture more leads, you need to stay ahead of your competition, which means knowing what they’re up to at all times. Have they launched a new app? Do they have a new product or service? Have they upgraded their website? Keeping tabs on your competition will help with taking your lead generation efforts in the right direction.

Reduce Website Form Length

Collecting customer data is important, but you need to be careful about how you do this. For example, if a customer comes across a lengthy web form that they think doesn’t warrant the outcome, they’ll be wary about giving up their details. Therefore, you should try and keep your web forms to no more than five or fewer fields.

Craft Powerful CTAs

A call to action (CTA) is used to directly tell a potential customer to act, whether it be making initial contact, buying a product, or using a free demo. However, instead of using plain hyperlinked text that may fall into the background, you should make them appealing by using images or buttons.

If you don’t put effort into lead generation, you can wave goodbye to business growth. There are many different ways to attract new leads and it doesn’t have to be complicated, so start following this guide and you will see the results.

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