The Complete Guide That Makes Starting an Ecommerce Business Simple

The Complete Guide That Makes Starting an Ecommerce Business Simple

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Business, Updated On
April 25th, 2024

Are you a burgeoning internet entrepreneur?

Starting your own eCommerce business is a fantastic way to make some side cash, or if you’re dedicated enough, make a lasting career doing what you love. There are things about eCommerce that make it easier to get up and running than a traditional business and things that make it a bit more complicated. If you’re going to make it a true success, then you will have to start planning.

The Complete Guide That Makes Starting an Ecommerce Business Simple

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This post will provide a complete guide to starting an eCommerce business. Even if you have virtually no business experience or savvy, keep reading, and we’ll equip you with the knowledge and skills to get everything up and running without much hassle.

  • Perform Market Research to Find Your Niche

Before you name your new company and create your social media accounts, you need to figure out what you will do. Starting any small business without performing market research will end in failure because you need to identify where your niche will be and who the audience is for it.

Every business starts with an idea, whether vague or concrete. Take your business idea and see if similar companies are already operating in your area. If so, this should signal the need to adapt your vision to something that will not be squashed by the established competition within weeks or months.

This isn’t to say that you need to switch ideas completely. Let’s say you wanted to open up an online business to sell hand-embroidered hats out of your home, but you quickly see a person two blocks over doing the same thing. You can soon adapt that idea to hand-embroidered shirts or any other type of clothing.

It’s all about coming up with an original idea or, failing that, identifying and exploiting a hole in an already existing market. Figuring out what’s going on in your niche simply takes a few hours, days, or weeks of thorough market research.

  • Come Up With a Good Name and Write a Business Plan

Starting an Ecommerce Business

Having done much research, you can start formulating more concrete plans for your new eCommerce business. The first thing you’ll want to do here is develop a catchy name for your business. Make a long list of names and slowly whittle away at it until you’ve got the one that sticks with you – when you’ve got a name, you’ve got a business.

Next, it’s time to write your business plan. Any small business owner will tell you how important these are, but if you don’t know, a business plan is a written list (or plan) detailing every aspect of opening your business—an overview, sales plans, marketing plans, operating plans, action plans, and financial plans, among other things.

You can find business plan templates online to get you started. This is incredibly important because it gives you something to refer back to as you navigate your eCommerce business’s launch. Business plans aren’t meant to be set in stone, so you can alter things as you go, but you should put a lot of thought into laying out everything you need to do to get things up and running.

  • Register Your EIN and Licenses/Permits

Even though you’re entering the eCommerce industry, you must still abide by the standard rules that every small business owner follows. Since you’ll be making money from your business, you should get an employer identification number (EIN) to help keep your business and personal finances separate.

It’s free through the IRS and can be done quickly online. The EIN is also necessary for filing taxes for your business, which, if everything goes well, you’ll be doing the year after you launch.

  • Get Your Site Up and Running

Here’s where eCommerce business ownership and regular small business ownership part ways. With a regular business, you’d think about what materials you need and where to get your brick-and-mortar set up, but with eCommerce, it’s all about setting up the best possible website and online store to shell out your products and services.

You have to treat your website as you would your physical storefront. This is the first thing people will see when they come to your business, so it needs to look the part. It should be attractive, easily navigable, and quick-loading.

There are dozens of eCommerce platforms to choose from. Most of them are highly customizable to achieve a cohesive look with the branding on your site and social media accounts. You’ll need to do thorough research into each one and make a list of your needs to figure out which one is best for your business.

  • Finding Those First Customers

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Getting your eCommerce business set up is one thing, but it will all be pointless if you can’t attract customers. You will have to do considerable marketing to get things off the ground, which you can do on your own or with a hired-gun digital marketing service.

The first thing you should do is obtain accounts on all of the social media platforms that you plan to use to promote the business. Create business accounts for all of them and start following friends, family, and like-minded companies in your area. It will take time, but with the proper branding methods and engagement, you can build up a small audience that could become much larger, depending on how much time you put in.

Those first customers are the hardest to get, so you’ll need to hustle and learn as much as you can about digital marketing. Once you’ve got a few onboard, you can get in-depth with targeted social media, phone, and email ads, so look here for more information.

  • Have Patience with your eCommerce Business.

Now that you know how to get an eCommerce business up and running, you can take the first steps and start doing market research. It takes time and dedication, but there’s no reason that you can’t make your eCommerce idea a real moneymaker in the long run. Use these tips and get on the path to success today.

Did you find this post helpful? Come back again for more on business ownership, advertising, and finance.

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