Laptop Vs Desktop: Which to Choose in 2024

Laptop Vs Desktop: Which to Choose in 2024

Written by Sophie Robertson, In Gadgets, Updated On
May 11th, 2024

Ever since the first commercial laptop became available, people have debated which was better: a laptop or a desktop computer. Of course, over the decades, the nature of that debate has changed significantly. Factors that improved the desktop in the past are now more true of laptops and vice versa. We use these devices to do very different tasks than we once did.

So, let’s look at this debate as we move toward 2023. Which is better for modern users: a laptop or a desktop? The pros of a computer are the cons of a desktop, and vice versa. As such, we’re going to focus only on the pros of each. Let’s start with the laptop.

The pros of a laptop


Portability is the most obvious pro of getting a laptop over a desktop. Yes, it makes the device a bit easier to steal, but that’s why you have insurance for your computer. In reality, carrying around a laptop is hugely important in today’s world. You don’t need to go to a specific place to work.

In today’s world, with the ability to work remotely being so important, most people can’t do it without a device they can take on the go. That device doesn’t have to be a laptop, as tablets have become highly efficient for getting work done, but you’re ultimately looking for a laptop alternative.

Ease of Use

If you’re into tech, this isn’t necessarily a big deal, but the ease of use that today’s laptops offer makes them hassle-free and saves you time. Opening up your MacBook and going straight to where you need to be is a smoother, more enjoyable experience than getting started on a desktop.

Power Usage

As we enter 2023, saving power is more important than ever. Our planet is struggling due to climate change, and energy has become extremely expensive. With inflation and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, most people cannot afford to waste power.

Laptops use a lot less power than desktops. They have smaller components that need to be run. They are also less likely to become energy vampires as they don’t need to be plugged in most of the time.

These are the main advantages of laptops. How about the humble desktop?

The pros of a desktop


One of a desktop’s most commonly cited advantages is how cheap it is compared to a laptop. Laptops can get very expensive quickly, especially if you want impressive specs. Paying over $1,500 for a computer is not unusual.

Since desktops are so affordable, you can get far better specs than you would on a laptop. You get more power and capability at a far better price.

Processing Power

A desktop can contain a far bigger CPU and, therefore, has higher processing power. This makes it perfect for running programs that are heavy on memory. Many people in creative industries use desktops because they need this processing power.


You can play games on a laptop or even connect to a bigger monitor. However, desktops are better suited to gaming than even the best gaming laptops. While you’ll pay thousands for your gaming laptop, you can play games on regular desktops. Most gamers do not require portability, making desktops the perfect option.


Upgrading a desktop is also far more accessible. You can change and improve components as you go, keeping your desktop up-to-date with cutting-edge technology. A laptop, on the other hand, is far more rigid. While you can build your computer, you’re still limited in what you can include and what can be updated.

There is no single answer as to whether a laptop or a desktop is better. Many people cannot work without a laptop they can carry, and many others cannot work without the processing power of a desktop. Ultimately, the pros and cons of each will resonate differently with different people.

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      Carry on the great work!