7 Steps To Optimize Images For SEO

7 Steps To Optimize Images For SEO

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Marketing, SEO, Updated On
December 14th, 2021

In the present SEO scene, images play a crucial role. We often overlook the fact that what type of images do we need to use in our websites, their qualities, and other aspects. When it comes to search engine optimization, image SEO has to be on your SEO strategy. If you are wondering what is image SEO, well, it is basically the process of image optimization on your website so that they are easy to find and read for search engines. This entire process helps to improve the visibility and ranking of the content in search engines. There are certain elements that are included in image SEO such as type, size, load time, and more. 

7 Important Steps Optimize Images For SEO –

Top 10 Powerful SEO Tips for Small Businesses

 Use Clear and Descriptive File Names

It is important to make your image file names easy so that Google can comprehend them. Let’s make it easy for you to understand. Let’s suppose you come across an image, named image01.jpeg, in a pile of hundreds of images. Now the question is – how would you know what the image is or what it stands for? The same goes for Google. Hence, it is important to name an image file in a way that depicts what the image stands for. From your part, it is significant to give Google more clues to figuring out what your website is all about. 

Use Keyword-rich Alt Text

In case you don’t know, alt text is basically required when a browser can’t render an image. It refers to an alternative text for an image that helps a web browser to render it. It often happens that you get an email with an image that doesn’t load. With such broken images, it is hard for users to click on it. It is important to make the best use of writing descriptive. In order to increase click-through-rate, it is significant to use keyword-rich alt text. Also, if you are using an image as a link, make sure that you include alt text which must be relevant to the link’s destination. 

Create Original Image Content

Yes, stock photos are easy when it comes to sizing. But it is important to know that stock photos are not as effective as the original ones. Thus, it is crucial to create original image content. Along with that, unique compelling images are also important to give your website or web page some importance in the eyes of your customers. Even SEO experts believe that creating web pages with original image content will bring value to your web pages. 

Use Commonly Supported File Types

It is highly recommended to use images on your web page in the next-gen formats. The next-gen formats that we are talking about here are JPEG, WebP, and JPEG XR. Though JPEG XR and WebP are not as popular formats as JPEG, PNG, and JPG. Now it is important to know that these formats help you ensure faster load time as well as less data usage on mobile. 

Reduces The File Sizes of Images

An appropriate size image is always a plus point for your website SEO.

If you are considering to reduce the sizes of your images, then here are some ways:

  • You can reduce the depth of the color to the lowest acceptable level. 
  • You can also crop the images and keep the size apt for your page width. 
  • Another thing you can do is showing smaller images and also providing the option of viewing a larger image by clicking on it. 

Use Titles and Captions Liberally

Google has limited information through which it shows the result for every image query. Hence, it is imperative to give enough information to Google about a particular image in the space you’re given during the image SEO process. Along with alt text, you can also provide information to Google through titles and captions. Titles and captions are other things that play an important role in your web page ranking. But make sure both title and caption are descriptive to help you improve your web page ranking. 

Ensure Seamless Social Sharing

In case you don’t know, there are some tags within your web page’s HTML. These are tags that display descriptive snippets and images correctly when someone shares your page on any social media platform like Facebook and Twitter. In your source code, you can easily find these elements and can ensure seamless social sharing. 

So, these are those 7 easy steps or you can say tips to ensure effective optimization of your images for SEO. Now if you are looking for a professional who can help you with this, well, connect with Auxesis Infotech – A leading web design and development company. We reckoned amongst the top web and digital agencies carrying years of experience in delivering exceptional web and digital solutions to clients. 

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