Business Technologies That Are A Must For Small Business Owners

Business Technologies That Are A Must For Small Business Owners

Written by Deepak Bhagat, In Business, Technology, Updated On
May 31st, 2024

Technology has entered almost all fields in today’s era. Whether we want to learn, eat, or shop for something, we are subjected to modern technology. It’s just like we can not live without technology, which has become an essential part of every human being.

Especially for businesses, technology plays a vital role in their growth and development. It is not important what type of your business is; technology is essential for every business. And if you are a small business owner, it is like a boon that will help you scale your business to the next level. To fulfil every small business need, business people use technology.

Why Is Technology Necessary, Especially For Small Businesses?

We all have heard that we should work smarter, not harder. Working hard will not give you as much benefit as you get by working smartly. When you involve technology in your business, it will save you time and cost and will free you from hassle. Technology has various positive impacts on businesses, especially for small-scale companies.

For Example, the products in local shops are more reasonable than the online ones, yet most of us purchase things online by seeing advertisements. But if those small business owners also use the new modern technologies like marketing technology, they can scale their business. Also, they will become our preference for making purchases.

According to research, 75% of small business owners had to shut down due to the pandemic of covid-19 because they were dependent on walk-in customers, and all things were closed during that time. At that time, only the business owners who used modern technologies could continue their businesses.

How Do Existing Small Business Owners Make Use Of The Technology?

Based on the data, the existing business owners make use of the business technology in the following ways:-

  • 84% use it to create an online presence of their products on a digital platform.
  • 79% use the tools to interact with their customers and vendors.
  •  85% of small business owners choose to spend money on SaaS platforms.
  • 55% of small business owners use business technology to handle customer interactions.
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The owners who have already included the technology in their businesses have doubled their per-employee revenue, tripled to generate more jobs, and have generated 4x annual revenue.

Best Modern Business Technologies That Every Small Business Owner Must Have

Every technology that a small business owner must own is listed below. If you, too are a small business owner, you can not miss this. All slight work to significant work-related daily used technologies are mentioned under this, which help the owners to save their time and generate more revenue while focusing on the main job.

The business technologies that every small business should harness are as follows:-

Best Computer systems


The first basic business technology is the best computer system, i.e., you should have desktops or laptops. They make the workflow and increase the user’s productivity. It is a basic amenity of every business because you will also require a system for a small job.

Before purchasing a system, ensure it is fully equipped with the new software and hardware and is up-to-date. It’s not enough to buy them; you have to timely update them so that you do not lack any new updates. Before sourcing the systems, research the market for the best deals and make a purchase.

Software For Accounting

Software For Accounting

It does not matter whether you own a small business or a large one; accounting is an essential part of it. You will require accounting software to manage your invoices and expenses and check your financial status. You can choose among the various accounting software which are available in the market.

Before considering any software, you should ensure its reliability. Also, you should check how user-friendly it is and whether it is secure, as accounting applications are the business’s key elements.

Website For Your Business

Website For Your Business

This is a powerful tool through which you can share every detail of your business, like the products and services you offer, your working hours, your location, the price for your service or products, etc. Also, when you optimize your website for SEO, i.e., search engine optimization, you can generate leads.

If you cannot spend heavily on hiring a fancy developer and getting a fancy website, you can also get a simple website designed, which will not cost you much. Without a website, your business seems to be unprofessional, and you will not be able to attract customers to your business.

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Location Entrenched Technology

Using this technology, anyone can search for anything in their locality. Almost 80-90% of the users use this technology to search for a particular service near them. For Example, people search for the best restaurants near me, the best salon near me, etc. Business owners should also use this technology to attract customers by registering themselves there.

This will make you get noticed locally and will boost your business. But it would be best if you remembered that the information you fill in on the various platforms should be the same. You can also register on Google My Business and link it to Google Maps, increasing your searchability through Google. It is also a great way of marketing and reaching out to new customers and clients.

Payment Systems

With the enhancement in technology, there is also the advancement in payment methods. Instead of cash payments, customers prefer to pay online through applications or credit cards. A payment system helps you prioritize the convenience of your customers by offering them diversified payment methods.

Now, the question is how to accept payments online. Various payment applications like Paypal, Securepay, Square, etc., are available in the market, which you can use for your payment processing. Ensure that your payment system or application is authentic and authorized for your business.

CRM, i.e., Customer Relationship Management Software

Customers are a vital part of a business. Without customers, your business will be of no use. The gain of your business entirely depends on your potential customers. You need to attract more customers to generate more leads and profit. The best way to do so is by using a CRM tool. CRM is a cloud-based software used to maintain relationships with existing customers and attract new customers.

It is one of the best tools to attract more customers without spending much on marketing. There are a lot of tools available in the market, like Salesforce, Zoho, etc., which you can use to develop excellent customer relationships.

System For Managing Inventory

Managing the inventory is one of the major headaches in doing business because you need to have the management of your inventory to know whether you have enough goods to meet your customer’s needs or not. Also, without knowledge of the inventory, you will order goods in bulk, and they will expire and unsold. Both situations will cause you a significant loss, so it will be beneficial to have inventory management software.

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Before getting it, you should be clear about whether you want to track your business’s inner inventory or track the number of goods sold to the customers. Getting the best inventory management software will help your business scale up and improve your business’s data analytics.

Social Media Platforms

There is nothing the best way to market than social media platforms. Other than using it for entertainment and chatting with friends, you can use it as a communication and marketing tool for your business. Through it, you can attract more customers to your company and build up your network.

There are plenty of social media platforms. Compared to earlier, there are various platforms where you can market your products and sell them. If you do not have much time and want to reach out to more customers with your products and services, you can use social media management platforms like Sprout Social and Hootsuite. This softwares will save you time by assisting you in posting on different platforms at a time.

Software For Management Of Customer Interactions


It is not enough to get customers and sell your services and products to them. You should also know whether the customers are satisfied with your products, and it can be possible through customer feedback. Also, you should reply to their feedback so their trust remains. But it is impossible to read every customer’s feedback and respond to them.

So for this, there is a solution of customer interaction management software. It is software that helps you track the record of customer feedback, inquiries, and complaints. Also, you can use chatbots, emails, forms, etc., to interact with customers and reply to them.

Final Thoughts

With the emergence of many technologies, getting every technology for your business is challenging. However, the technologies listed above are the fundamental technologies that every small business must have. The technologies will help small business owners improve their business’s productivity and efficiency.

Before considering any technology, you should ensure that it is cost-efficient, secure, reliable, and beneficial for your business. Only invest in highly costly technologies if your business is scalable.

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